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Sunday, January 28, 2007

our model quote! LOL
today's day was spent with my 2 bros and qiongzhi .
haha . met seanand qiongzhi at JE mrt early in the morning .
thn we set off to habourfont MRT .
coincidentally , we met JH at the north east line LOL!
4 of us went to the hawker centre for our breakfast .
this explains that , people always claims they have the best ,
but in fact , the 'best' that they said are just verbs coming out from their mouth .
never believe it if u had never tried it yourself .
then we went to mount faber ,
haha . i finally took the first cable car ride in my life .
thanks to chuan jian and seanie for their hattoo passes . haha .
that earns us a free cable car ride .
we had our lunch at the same hawker centre too .
haha . accessed through cablecar .
at abt afternoon 3pm , we were all shack .
haha . took train back to woodlands .
the train ride was funny , really funny .
with all sorts of flying slippers all around .
haha . i laughed til my head goes numb . LOL.
and qiongzhi went back home to catch a sleep while
JH , sean and i went to the swimming pool and swim .
haha . we played like crazy in the pool .
after swimming ,
we went to the lobster house to have our dinner .
LOL. student meal , fried rice $4.
no choice . haha . we were broke =)
but i was really quite happy and touched when JH wanted to offer us some of his weekly allowance
when we did not have enough money .
haha . that's wad brothers are for ? helping one another whenever they needs help =)
i really appreciate his kindness . but however , dun bear to spend his allowance . haha .
we ate and chatted in the resturant .
until about 615pm , we left RP soon .
it was thn my stupid tingest started to action her motorolla v3x to me .
haha . she's soo enthu and excited about it .
but i was unable to show her any enthu as i was damn worn out and shack from the trip during the day .
haha .
but ..
tingest ! dun action ur v3x . later it spoils , i'll be LOL-ing.

Saturday, January 27, 2007
outing with keith!
I AM ADDICTED TO 微笑pasta!!
and now , i am soo worn out .
haha . finally went out with keith today .
it rained very heavily in the afternoon .
urgh . i got drenched like hell >_<
got home , took a bath ,
slacked at home for a while .
then went to meet keith and ron at cityhall MRT .
3 of us went to penisular and collect keith's pants .
thn we went walk walk around .
after that ,
we went to marina square . haha .
walked around , and talked alot.
haha . we had a fun time talking and catching up .
as well as 'consoling' keith who had just broken up with his girl .
keith's quite relieved and of course unhappy with his girlfren.
and like wad we said in chinese "gotten rid of the bitter sea" LOL! haha!
soon , ron was being called back by his girlfren .
heard tat she's sick . hmm ..
so ron left .
keith and i went to rafflescity and ate subway .
and we saw keith's friend , max .
haa .. max asked me if keith led me astray or being a bad peer . LOL!
haha . and i told him about keith offering me cigrattes ,
asking me to clarke quay for a drink ,
thn and asked me to do alot of things that a bad peer does . LOL!
of couse i knew keith was joking . haha .
but when i told max these , keith seems to be finding a hole to hide his head . haha!!
recently , addicted to one taiwan drama . haha . wei xiao pasta! haha .
i watched it under my sis's influence . LOL!
but however , didn't really have the time to settle down and complete the whole series .
but i swear , i definately gonna complete watching the whole series for all it takes ! haha.
and thus , i have been losing sleeps recently ,
still can't get use to my new bed and sleeping alone in a totally different enviroment .
alrights , gotta stop here now ,
tml's day with seanie and jun horng =)

rina : aiyo ? how u know de ?? LOL ! dun worry la , i won't snatch with u de la . haha!

yvonne : haha! seems quite long that i last heard from u . haha . take care! shall meet up some other day huh ? ahha . all the best ! [=)

shiqi : haha . all the cast miss me ? or u miss me onli ? no need paiseh de la . just say lol ! haha!
anyway , i do miss you guys =) shall get to see u guys soon =) . take care ! LOL .

vinnie : haha . tagged u le .all the best! take care . thanks for tagging too ^.^

jiayi : haha!! thanks . all the best to ur upcoming concert . dun get too stressed up huh ? haha . and also , dun get too stressed up in ur studies too ! haha! good luck ^.^

shiying : haha! good! wah xiaolu sia . work hard in ur o'levels , all the changing point cast and crew'll definately be standing behind u and support u ! jia you!! =) haha.

chenson : haha . thanks for helping me to lookout =) haha . i miss school food ^.^ i dun mind u treating me school food though . haha! should be i treat u lol! take care ! shall see u really soon huh ? haha!

Friday, January 26, 2007
new room!
sorry for MIA-ing for these few days
was kinda busy with somethings.
alright! or i could say everything's done now!
haha .
lots and lots of things happened these few days ,
i just can't finish explaining all of them in a post .
hmm .. currently is 2.05am ,
i can't sleep .. haha . i shall come to the reason of my sleepless night later.
these few days ..
hmm .. i sprained my back ,
and now also recovering to 7788 le .. haha .
my furniture had arrived earlier in advance ,
that's today! haha 24th jan .
thn had a hard time putting all my rubbish on the cupboards and shelves .
when i was re-arranging , i found out tt i had misplaced my testimonial .
hmm .. to the ex-o'levels student , had u misplaced urs too? haha .
lucky tt i found it back . haha .
feeling quite care-free without work ,
but however , leading my work-free life isn't easy too .
i had done and completed all things tt i wanted to do within these few days .
and now , currently , aimless? huh?
met up with friends during the past week ,
really catch up with them alot .
was quite happy too ^.^
and of course , not forgetting my 'hao biao mei'
whom i am gulity tt i had shifted our planned date to next week .
i'm really sorry , tingest =(
and also the changing point cast and crew ,
sorry for unabling to spend time on the project recently ,
i'll definately try my very best to be back on the project asap =)
currently sleepless , why?
maybe i'm unable to adapt to my new bed and etc ,
furthermore , i'm sleeping without a bed for the past few months . haha.
but now , i had completed one of the things that i had planned to do before chinese new year!
haha .
so fast , chinese new year's approaching .
and i heard that o'levels results are release really soon huh?
aiyoyo , i had yet to enjoy leii ..
or i should say i have enjoyed for so many days ..
hmm .. haha .
nevertheless , i'm still gonna enjoy myself to the fullest
before i receives my results =)

fian : haha nvm de la .. ^.^

chen :i'm still expecting for my next pay =) i still have to treat my family leii . u got pay oso nvr treat me lols . haha .

henry : aiseh henry sia ! da fa cai sia! haha . anyway , nice day today! let's go for long john somewhere around next week huh ?? haha!

jiayi : haha . sorrie for the late reply , dun shout too much ba .. later really no voice leii . haha . takkiares =) happy CNY in advance! haha

Shiying : wahh .. xiaolu need ah ge's ear , ah ge 24hr available ar . haha . u currently dun think too much huh? concentrate on o'levels ba . JIA YOU!! ah ge support u!

jooyu : -.- wad have i done this time again huh??

seanie : haha . i miss you guys too . all the best to the production , shall cya some other day huh ? takkiares if not i throw fsd at u . LOL! HAHA

shiqi : wahh .. shiqi miss me sia .. i so happy and honoured . LOL! anyway , long time no see . haha . shall see ya some time huh ? and (hiiehiie i dun care if u wan me to say anot ) dun be too stressed up with the production! HAHA!

rina : haha . we no fate ar .. haha . anyway , u at bugis with elvin ? LOL!

chinghui : huh? sell wad thing for $4 ?

weizhi : okies okies . 'll relink u as soon as possible =) takkiares

nana : haha 'll relink u as soon as possible ! takkiares! cya for movie some other time yea? i miss hanging out with u guys ^.^

shirley : haha aiseh! how are u sis? dun forget to meet up for breakfast/lunch/dinner some other time hor ? haha . anyway , best of luck to our releasing of results next month! haha . i have damn loads of things to tell u . shall meet up for breakfast soon and we pour all our things out huh ? haha!

vinnie : haha thanks for tagging =) shall talk more in msn yea ? haha . takkiares !

zona gal : haha . thanks for adding and tagging too . haha , we shall talk more in msn huh? ^.^ takkiares ! all the best! =)

Sunday, January 21, 2007
gonna finish blogging quickly
and sleep asap ^.^
alrights , so wassup with today ?
went to bugis with nicole jie and racheal . haha.
at first nicole was late ,
so racheal and i went walk walk around .
we went to visit mabel ,
it's been a long time since i last saw her.
she really treats me very well when i was in 839 ,
though she always scolds me for nothing ,
but i know she's kidding . haha .
yvonne told me tt mabel could just issue me a warning letters like wad she did to others
as i was late alot of times .
but she didn't .
therefore , i really appreciate wad she had done.
we chatted with mabel for a while ,
thn we went on the bugis junction to meet nicole .
haha . thn we went walk walka around ,
and racheal treated us prints . haha!
we went on to have our dinner at one resturant ,
nicole's friend's mother's shop . hmm ..
nice one . haha .
the owner treated us drink ,
and i supposed the name of the drink is call 'mama' ?
a combination of lime and plum , supposedly . haha .
after having our dinner ,
we still went walking like mad around the streets ,
then kana stopped by this guy ,
who asked us to buy pens from him -.- those that cost $2 ,
i am sure tt u guys met this kind of person alot of times le huh?
i met them alot of times too ,
until today , i finally know wad the heck they are selling these pens for ,
they are sort of ex-convict , or ppl who has bad records ,
thn now they are given a chance , to sell these pens and earn commission.
well , this is wad the guy said , dunno whether it's true or fake .
but we refused to buy anyway , and we could see his face and attitude 360 degree change ! LOL.
hmm .. i guess tt's all for today ,
as i was dead tired for today ,
i think i gonna stop here now ,
and i shall make this post short and sweet huh?
haha! good nites people! =)

Saturday, January 20, 2007
cab fare claimed!
all my plans went off track today !
haha . but my day still went fine.
why leii? cuz i met alot of my old friends coincidentally on the streets .
okay , let's start with the morning now .
i usually slept til 11am before i could get off my bed .
brought bro for lunch ,
thn in the afternoon ,
went to the furniture shop with dad and bought lots of stuffs ,
mattress , tv table , table , pillows and etc .
then at night ,
i was supposed to meet keith for dinner ,
but then he was sick ,
so therefore , my plan shifted instantly as i got a phone call from bossini.
then i went down to orchard to collect my money from bossini .
i went back to 839 ,
and got to find out actualli yiwen is a nice and friendly person rather
than the cold and firece person that i expected .
she's cute too ^.^
'shun bian'ly (LOL , wad kind of chinese is tt) , went to meet peiying at cine leisure ,
thn she accompanied me to takashimaiya .
along the way ,
we walked out of cineleisure and aloy called me ,
LOL! i almost couldn't recognise him!
it's been soo long , 3 years since i last saw him .
went to visit sharidah at taka , haha!
i was soo happy to see her as i missed her damn loads .
thn after tt , we took train back to jurong .
i alighted at jurong east
and went jw.
then i realised that i had forgotten to do something important when i was at orchard .
i actually forgot to drop by at centrepoint >_<
haisss ...
alrights , nvm la , next time just rmb to drop by there .
haha . gtg now .
tml's outin with racheal and guys =)
and furthermore , i dun wish to oversleep again . haha.

shiying : do tell me if ur have any problems okay ? ah ge's ears always open de . haha . dun always say u anti-social la .

jooyu : tell u dun eat so much u dun listen , see la . haha.

felicia : thx , i'll take care of myself de . so how's life in school now ? do jia you for ur schoolwork , and also remember to play hard too =) dun neglect ur studies yea ?

jiayi : haha . water barrel? lol not so much la . haha . just remember to keep urself in good condition during exam period , now fall sick , nvm . haha!!

henry : haha aiseh! henry sia , prosperity de lian leii . next time we go 'long john' together yea . haha! and subway! i love subway !! ^.^

chenson : thanks for ur recommandation , but also caused me to go bankrupt , the nogart's sooo sweet . can't stand it sia . but nice la .. haha thanks!!! nice time eating subway yea?

Friday, January 19, 2007
prosperity day

haha ! it's vivocity !
went to vivocity again today! ^.^
so wassup with our 'prosperity burger' promise today.
at abt 2 , went to meet henry at jp .
and there we go ! we went to mac and ate our prosperity meal .
haha . we ate hell loads ,
and the meal lasted us for long hours ,
even til 8 plus , i am still full . haha .
after we had our meal ,
we went to walk walk around jp and went to ka jiao jerron at the information counter .
thn we proceed to to vivocity .
our aim was to ka jiao kang at his workplace .
thn found out from chenson tt kang actualli works at habourfont centre .
so before going on to habourfont centre ,
ry accompanied me to the bossini at vivo and ka jiao-ed idrus . haha !
then both of us went to vivocity and ka jiao kang .
coincidentally , he was at his toilet break ,
therefore we got to chat with him for about 5 minutes . haha .
i really missed the times during sec two when all of us hanged out together .
other than that , henry and i also called up alot of peeps that we usually hanged out with by phone ,
and we sent our 'greetings' as well as ka jiao-ed them on the phone. haha .
we called up , daniel,james,jorina,fernando,jeff,shawn,yansoon,candis,afian and alot more tt's yet to be named.
after visiting kang , we went tour around vivocity ,
and went to the candy empire and bought chocolates and sweets .
LOL! the nogart was sooo sweet and i was soo sugarised . ahh .
so we went to the vivomarket and bought a drink .
after our tour at vivo ,
we took train back to lakeside .
wah piang , i almost went broke as i had to top up my ezlink with a minimium top-up value of $10
cuz now , the fare for us increased . changed to adult fare le .
so next time , can't make unnessacary train trips . haha .
gonna be economical wise le . LOL.
we went back to boon lay shopping centre ,
went walk walk around there too ,
and marked an end to our 'prosperity burger meal trip' today .
haha . looking forward to the 'prosperity burger promise' in the upcoming years .
i could still remember how this prosperity burger promise started ,
2 years ago , gerrad , henry and i was eating the new prosperity burger at boon lay mac .
thn after we ate , 3 of us went home and 'LS' (hiiehie , u should know)
got stomache . gerrad cursed mac donalds and the stupid prosperity burger .
and we promised to try it again next year (2006)
however , the prosperity burger did not come out in 2006 ,
when we were about to forget that promise ,
it came out again in 2007 . LOL! hhaa!
alrights , shall end my post here now ,
it's getting quite late le , 1.19am .
i gotta sleep now , it's gonna be a busy day tml .
i hate weekends as everywhere will be packed with people in the morning too .
and i love weekdays morning ,
because it would be soo quiet and peaceful on the streets .

Thursday, January 18, 2007
ngee ann open house

i feel so dead and tired now .
gonna just fall flat on my bed after blogging this.
today ,
went to the poly openhouse with chenson , jeremy , afian , jabez and waran.
met chenson at lakeside ,
thn after tt went to meet jeremy and guys at the location itself .
thn ate a little of snacks in the canteen .
thn we went to took the facilator bus to dunno where .
haha . visted the school of films .. etc .
thn we joined afian at the school of engineering .
soon , we met henry around the school of humans .
therefore , all of us , together with henry , went around look look and see see.
haha. however , rains spoils everything .
a big rain delayed all our shedule .
we plan to go to lot one and play pool
but den in the end we went to jp to play instead .
haha . the pool game was funny ,
jeremy was a pro in pool . haha .
or i should say i am such a noob in pool .
i actualli onli managed to score 2 throughout the whole game.
we played til about 830pm ,
then all of us went home .
i went home , got changed , and went to jw .
time passed so fast over there ,
within a blink of eye , it's almost 12am .
while dad was driving , i was damn dead and shack while listening to the radio .
it's reaching 1215am . and i could tell that the radio news reporter was damn shack too ,
from the way she reports the news , with stumbling , and confusion . haha .
shalln't expose which FM station was it . haha .
had been spending lots of money recently ,
i had just finish customizing my room , which cost over .. err .. shalln't say the amount out ba ..
cuz i know tingest would be looking ,
and she would boardcast to every of my relative if she sees this .
i brought $40 out today ,
and now , i am onli left with $7 in my wallet .
that's also one of the tragedy that u had to face when u are on holiday and u are not working .
haha .
previously , i was saving hard inorder to customise my room when i was at work ,
and now , i am spending hard inorder to enjoy life .
i had spent almost all my salary on customizing my room ,
and now , currently waiting for the furniture to arrive .
and kinda looking forward to tml ,
haha , tml's gonna go and enjoy like mad with henry ,
with our 'prosperity burger' promise ! HAHA!
alright , i can't bring myself to write further on ,
as i am gonna to fall flat on my bed soon .

nana : paiseh , i am not free on saturday leii . but how about fixing another day for a round of movie ? ^_^

shiqi : u dun wan to see me ar? okay lor . LOL! HAHA! . anyway , u wanna book me ar ? no problem de ! shiqi one golden mouth open , i surely okay de! haha! anyway , dun be too stressed up over the production okay? LOL hehex =P

henry : aiseh henry seh ! hiehiehie . remember tml hor . hehex . prosperity burger ha .. hehex .. aiseh ry leii ..

chenson : haha . vomedra is gomez! haha . anyway , thanks for the billard game today . haha . must be hard on u to guide such a noob like me .LOL ! got time must go out together hor! =)

candis : haha! orange watch ! how's life =D

jiayi : u are sick again . do take care of urself , drink more water . haha . me? if i ever get sick .. hmm .. i guess it would surely be an terrible one . haah .

shirley : u also !! must take care hor! let's meet up for lunch sometime yea ? i am free from work le ! ^.^

strawberry : haha! alien also miss roast pig ! and hor , roast pig has forgotten about the treat that u suppose to treat me hor ? or i suppose to treat u ? HAHA! nvm , just dun forget my japan treat 10 years later then can liao =)

shiying : xiaolu! tuesday would be more lively and fun with you around! haha . although i can't help u with ur problems , but u dun think too much okay ? look on the bright side of life ! =D hehex

rina : haha . u sure u pro le ma ? i still abit scared scared leii . haha! jkjk . anyway , all the best to u and ur elvin =D

kaiting : hah. i tml and sat not free leii . u hor , say wanna check out the dates , check until like date , really is my 'hao biao mei' ar . haha .

Tuesday, January 16, 2007
changing point
mingest's free from work / stress .. etc . =)
i spent my day with seanie and guys today!
today's the first time filming with moxi and her acting's really good.
especially when the part when chiongzhi died .
haha . alot of funny NGs and the 'mu hou actions'
LOL. created by me , jj and shiqi .
one of the cast however , failed to turned up today ,
well , it's quite an regret too .
but the day still went on fun and fine =)
i wore chiongzhi's slippers and went around RP for the whole day today .
haha . because idiot did 'something' to my shoes. haha!
at the end of the day ,
bro and i took train back to jurong east .
during the train ride , we talked about alot of issues and stuffs .
and we came to an agreement on each other inorder to help each other to know their mistakes .
well , come to think of it ,
just like wad he said , we had to treat our brothers equally .
yea i agree ,
and somethings he pointed out , really telle with wad i am thinking .
there's sure something that i need to improve on ,
i can't deny the fact that i had been neglecting my friends or
i had been giving special attention to some of my friends .
that's a very big weak point in me , friends management .
i cannot deny that i treated henry specially well ,
indeed , henry's really one very good brother of mine that i could trust on .
that's also why i could choose to push off all dates once henry asked me for lunch .
i know henry too well and he knew me too well
that we could even predict wad's the next sentence we wanna say after finishing one sentence.
sometimes , i can't gave my friends the normal things that wad a fren should do ,
that's why i tend to lose friends so easily .
alright , enough of my craps ,
back to my post on today ,
i saw alot of my juniors and even ycss staffs at lakeside MRT!
i missed them really much man .
aiya , it's always like that de , i could still remember when i was preparing for my o'levels ,
i can't wait to leave this bloody school ,
and now , i couldn't imagine that i am missing the school and everything in it .
haha .
i went back home and rest for a little while ,
thn rushed to jw . and i saw tingest!! haha!
seeing her reminds me of our date and promise on 16th feburary ,
and she kept assuming that i'll surely 'dua' her one .
hhaa . to be frank , i really scared that i'll forget and 'dua' her on that day .
however , i swear to myself that i'll never let this happen . haha .
cuz she's my 'hao biao mei' haha .
we agreed to go for the ngee ann open house together ,
and she went back home to check out the dates ,
and i told her "dun worry , i'll be available , i have loads of time anyway"
i kept carrying with the thinking that i'll be available no matter when or who askes me out ,
however , it's terrence who reminded me ,
he called me later in the night and i realised that i had made too much promises
that i had even forgotten wad promises is to be fufilled on which day ,
as a result , they crashes .
after he called , i did realise that they are alot of crashes .
and i felt really bad .
today's my second day without work ,
and somehow , i am not feeling any weirdness or uneasy ,
however , i missed the feeling of chatting with bossini staffs ,
especially elaine who'll always be there for me to pour my problems on .
and heard from racheal that she's being transferred to another new outlet too ,
some's leaving and some's quitting and some's transferring .
that's why it makes bossini reaching a stage of no life .
here's a message to all my friends ,
we communicate through different ways ,
no matter is tagboard , face to face everyday , msn , sms and etc .
however , i do really appreciate the stuffs that each and every of u had told me .
i might not show it , people who knows me well will know ,
i am not those type of person who'll show how much i am thankful or appreciative for one .
but without you guys being my friends ,
i'll not be wad i am today ,
therefore , i am thankful to each and everyone of ur presence and encouragements .

felicia : do take care of urself in the new semester . now fall sick nvm , but dun wait until exams then sick leii .. aiyo choy choy!! touch wood !! haha . anyway , best of luck to ur upcoming common test , etc ..

jiayi : dun worry la .. ahhas , i guess they'll not strip of fur post so easily de la . just try ur best in everything , and u'll be happy =) takkiares ! dun fall sick again hor! hah!!

henry : haha! aiseh ry seh! rmb hor ! friday okay ??! imagine if we go mac eat and saw vomedra and chor yann eating there . haha!! ON LA! STEADY LA! FRIDAY !! =)

Shiqi : cya if u want ? haha and u still turned up today =) why leii ?? i know de la , because of me right ? haha!! jkjk . anyway , dun be too stressed over the production LOL!! and take good care of urself =)

mama : aiseh candis seh , long time no see too ^.^

Strawberry : haha , u really miss alien so much ar ?? haha! wah piang , u like that curse me , if i really retain , i come find u lol! haha jkjk . anyway , remember to 'die' together . and also not to forget our japan promise ten years later ! haha!!

shiying : aiyo , why sad ?? who bully u ?? tell me !! ha .. always look on the bright side of life ba . hope next time i see u , u'll be with ur usual radiant smile ^.^ always come to me if u have any problems =)

seany : haha! of course brothers la ! haha just like wad u , me and jh said in ep 15 "BROTHERS FOREVER !" haha . dun get too stressed up over the production bro , and also , remember to eat fan shu dan ! haha!

chenson : ya lor , that CCY should treat us LOL . anyway , u wanna eat burger ? sure! no problem , find one day we come out eat lunch , but u sure u wan burger anot ? haha!

rina : huh ? my statement is wrong ? anything wrong going between u and elvin ? haha! anyway , i hope next time when i sit ur car , there'll not be any 'humps terror' anymore . haha!! takkiares ! smile more ^.^

Sunday, January 14, 2007
goodbye bossini
Chapter : Goodbye Bossini!

A big big sorry to alot of people that i had causes problems ,
troubles , inconviences , disapointment to during my working days.

today's my last day of work at bossini .
actiualli quite sad la , but i dun really feel anything working in centrepoint though .
i went back to 839 during my breaktime
and said my last goodbye to them .
it's really quite sad then , however , everything has to come to an end .
after today , i'll be off from working lifestyle
and will be out to enjoy my life .
so friends , i'll be available , i am sorry if i turned down some of ur dates last time .
now is the time for me to make amendments , i am available for all ur dates!
(provided few days notice in advance ... heh heh.)
there's alot of people i wanna thank in bossini ,
thanks for everything people , though it's just a short one month ,
but i really enjoy the days working with u guys ,
i'll always remember the days when we stayed up late folding clothes during christmas .
spent our christmas eve together with pizzas and present .
thanks for the wonderful memories that u guys had given me .
u guys will be missed and'll never be forgotten . stay in contact bah =)
of course , some people in bossini doesn't know about me leaving .
i did not inform sharida and idrus as i wanted to give them a surprise visit at their outlets soon .
haha .
there's still alot of things i wanna do this week ,
tml's booked , i am sorry seanie that i am unable to accompany u tml .
i wanna do alot of things by next week ,
to treat my family a meal , i know i had neglected them alot when i'm working .
i am really thankful to my father who had stayed up late and waited for me to come home even though he had to wake up very early tml .
they had been very supportive of me by trying to kick me off from my bed to work using all sorts of ways during my working days .
and it's also time to ask my sec school friends out for lunch / movie etc .
i had owe alot of my juniors lunches dates and etc ..
i am really sorry to my friends that i had previously turned down when they asked me for movie or visits back to school due to work shedule .
and also , to focus back to the changing point cast and crew ,
i am sorry that i had gave the production alot of troubles in shedules and etc .
however , i am glad that JH had joined the production .a
i am confident that JH , seanie and i could be very good brothers in the future .
i had handed my TMS card and my nametag (as shown in the above picture) back to bossini le .
and my resignation letter which had been given yesterday .

shiying : haha . ah jie , sorry for this very very late reply . ahah . anyway , shall cya soon for filming okay ? take care , CHANGING POINT FEMALE LEAD! haha!

deadsally : haha! thanks alot of ur encouragement and wishes , all the best to ur studies and everything u do . haha . we'll surely have chance to chat in msn de . thanks alot! =D

felicia : haha . thanks . looks like u are doing fine and well in school now . that's good . dun get too stressed up okay ? all the best and do take care of urself ! ^_^

seany : haha . u dun eat too much fan shu dan la . work hard to reach ur expectations bro , and never be contented too easily after doing ur things , otherwise , the world would never strive for upgrade! haha!

SQ : if i am not wrong , SQ is shiqi rite ? haha . 'll get very easy confused and mixed up will SY . SHIQI !! HAHA! shall cya tuesday for filming okay ? dun get too stressed up over the production hor . and all the best to ur studies in RP . anyway , thanks alot!

jem : paiseh ar friend , cuz working cannot answer phone . shall cya for another round of movie some other time =) this time no more singapore dreaming huh ? haha!

chen : chen ya noe wad ? miss lee did mentioned about u ! haha she said u asked her 'si le ma?" when u went back to school and visit her ! haha! damn funny sia ! . anyway , shall met up for midnight show soon huh ? takkiares and all the best bro !

lorn : haha . thanks ! i'll link u really soon . takkiares and all the best to everything u do =) thanks for tagging ^.^

calendar girl : haha . i lived in jurong . btw , may i know u are ..??

rina : haha!! for sleeping ?? thanks for ya concern . anyway , all the best in everything u do . and dun forget hor , u still wanna sit ur car de hor ! haha! ^_^

kaiting : hah . i where got disappoint u ? is u disappoint me lor . heard from ur mom that u had been pon-tenging school lately . anyway , all the best to ya o'levels and shall cya really soon =)

henry : aiseh henry seh ! i treat chor yann pizza ? should be he treat me lor , for a sense of apology for ill-treating me when i was in yuan ching . haha! anyway , i am free from work le , we shall meet up for lunch and movie some other time okay ? i miss boon lay mac donald!! and dun forget our prosperity burger promise hor ! =)

mingest left bossini on 14th january 2007 . GOODBYE bossini.

Friday, January 12, 2007
since you been gone
i jogged in the rain today !
crazy right ? i shall come to more of it later .
alrights , let me roughly blog about wad happened recently .

today , sengkee and i treated miss lee and miss loh to pizzahut .
well , these 2 teachers are the ones who i respected the most in ycss .
both of them stood by me when i got into trouble
and miss loh helped me in alot of things . haha .
we met miss lee at lakeside MRT at abt 530pm ,
thn went to meet miss loh at JEC at about 6pm .
we went up to pizzahut to have our dinner .
haha . we chatted alot ,
about alot of happenings last time and
they update us about wad's happening in ycss now.
last time when i usually saw these teachers from a few tables away ,
they always seems so far ,
but now , they are just sitting right infront of me ,
and we are happily chatting .
i could still rmb the times being lectured by them .
haha , when i didn't attend remedial classes and CIP activities.
we chatted for about almost 3 hours . haha .
after everything has ended , they thanked us .
and when i reached home , miss loh sent a thank you message to me .
i felt so happy and appreciated suddenly ,
this let me understood somethings in life again ,
treating everyone around u sincerely doesn't need a reason ,
for me , i choose to gave them a treat because inorder to thank them for everything they had done for me .
i felt that i had missed out alot of things in my life ,
i have failed to treat everyone around me sincerely and appreciate wad they had done for me .
just like wad happened in sec two ,
i had failed to appreciate wad yk done for me in sec two ,
and caused our friendship to turn out so stiff .
i'll try my best to keep in contact with my sec sch friends .
like wad seanie said , u'll definately miss ur sec sch friends after u left ycss ,
well indeed , i started to miss alot of people now ,
including my juniors .
alrights , gotta stop here now ,
i am on morning shift tommorrow ,
gotta enjoy freedom soon. real soon .

Yesterday : 11th janurary.

i had my work at causeway point bossini on that particular day .
met alot of nice staffs there , especially the in-charge ,
i could see the difference of working in town areas , and working in housing areas.
working in town in more of stressful .
i reported to causeway point early at 8am .
and started doing season change .
well , the season change there was fast as compared to the one in centrepoint .
we finished changing all the stocks by 12pm and started opening the shop .
well , working in bossini is just simply like waiting for the time to pass by .
i was just simply waiting for my finishing time rather than working enthu.
the staffs there treated me really nice ,
preharps because i was new to them ba .

Wednesday, January 10, 2007
it's getting nearer and nearer to the releasing of results .
nervous ?
haha . now it's getting late , 1.14am .
and i have to wake up at 6am tml .
well , let's make this post short and sweet .
firstly , i gotta talk about my work at centrepoint .
i have hot off quite well with my new colleauges at centrepoint too .
however , i still misses my colleagues at 839 .
therefore , i went to 839 yesterday to pay them a visit.
haha . they were so shocked to see me ,
and val keep on 'oh my god' here and there . haaa ..
i was very happy to see them .
but however , it's really short and sweet ,
i left soon .
let me recall some of the interesting events that happened recently ,
oh yea , on the 8th january , was our season change for the shop.
so we stayed up still quite late to change everything in our shop .
haha .
after everything ended at 2am,
rachael and i went to the basement to throw the rubbish .
almost 10 big bags of rubbish ,
because some of the bags were torn .
so things kept dropping off along the way . haha .
my days in bossini are numbered ,
i am leaving at the end of the week .
and gotta start enjoying life now .. haha .
of course i'll miss my colleauges , no matter in 839 or centrepoint .
therefore , u'll see me dropping by orchard quite often .
although during these months ,
i am getting quite sick and tired of orchard ,
but this place does gave me some wonderful memories .
back to another side ,
some of my juniors in ycss msged me recently and told me about wad happened in school .
but none of them is as detailed as henry's blog , haha!
i've reading henry's blog quite often and
recalled alot of happy things that happened in school last time . haha .
but now , even if i retain and study in ycss again ,
the feeling will not be the same anymore .
just like wad i have told elaine ,
even if i gathered all the old staffs back to 839
and everybody work together again ,
the feeling will not be the same again .
because something has changed ,
haha , it shall be kept an secret between us .
today , i went to 839 to hand-carry ,
elaine gave me that special can of soya-bean which i left it in 839 .
haha , i think tt soya bean has left there for almost a few weeks le .
it's bought by my so called 'wife' .
this is also part of the reason why the feeling wouldn't be the same anymore
even i get everyone to return to 839 and work again .
i do miss the times where everyone worked hard til 3am ,
folding clothes overtime .
having christmas parties ,
however , time passed , things changed .
somethings that happened can't be undone .
alrights, enough of my craps ,
i love 839 and the memories will never be taken away ,
it'll be left in 839 .

chenson : haha . how many blog i have ? not much la , for me to know and for u to find out . ahha!

shiying : haha . thanks for visiting me that day . u guys really made my day . haha . and u always suspect this , suspect that . how about ur affair with dandan? LOL haha!

lorn : haha . thanks for ur compliment ! all the best in everything u do too =) hehex

henry : haha henry ! i do miss chor yann's crap ! and i gotta be off from my job too =) remember wad i have told u ? we gonna have lunch after ur school! remember hor ! hehex
and do update ur blog often ! i love reading ur blog ^_^

jiayi : haha . looks like u are quite well-liked by ur classmates in school , tat's good . haha . jia you being the class committee and all the best in everything u do ^_^

sean : haha . u also dun eat too much fan shu dan and forget ur di hor . hopes the production goes well ! jia you!

strawberry : HAHA! u also dun forget our 'die-ing' this june hor! haha . hehex , come'on , i am waiting for u to die with me tis coming june holidays ^_^ anyway , all the best in ur new semester !

chinghui : haha . clues ? for me to know and for u all to find out =) it'll be kept as a secret . hehex . nites .

Sunday, January 07, 2007

sorry for not updating for these few days .
alright , let me roughly recall wad happened recently .
well , i had been working in centrepoint for about 3 days ,
and wad i could say about working there ,
one word "relaxing"
or i shall say that's not the apporiate word to use ,
but for now , i could find any suitable word for my work now .
i miss the people in 839!
but however , i like the working system in centrepoint ,
the heaven is fair , u gain some , u lose some .
wad i like about centrepoint is , they closes on dot ,
i releases their staffs on dot .
basically , they do everything on dot!
so i returned home early and etc .
recently , i am trying hard to save money as i know i'll be quitting soon .
as the saying goes "saving up for the rainy days"
haha! therefore , life's isn't easy for me recently ,
especially during lunchtime .
the first day when i started working in centrepoint ,
i keep on volunteering to handcarry from 839!
haha ! i just love the feeling of being in the shop in 839 and i miss everyone there too!
ellen , elaine , honming , idrus , sharida , syahir , mabel and alot of the staffs there!
however , mabel was being transferred to bugis , the further among all.
haha ! and one funny thing that happened today!
i was making a phone call to the bossini oulet at bugis to check stock .
and apparently , the person who spoke to me over the phone told me that there's no stock left .
then i replied back in my usual manner "wa lau .. really dun have ar ..??"
at this time , the person over the phone asked me "who are you ..?"
i said "yong ming.."
then i found out that the person is actualli mabel when all her quotes spoutted out from the phone.
HAHA!! it's so funny . i was really happy when we talked over the phone in such circumstances .
and wad's up more ?
the in charge of our shop is quite a nice person .
at first i thought she's not. but however , she proves me wrong .
she really spare a thought and treats her staffs well . haha .
however , there's always a same pattern that lies among these ICs.
not because of their ICs attitude , in fact , they dun have those ICs attitude .
is the way they joked , the way they quote and spoutted . haha!
i had to make this post really long as i do not know when i'll not be updating again .
so wad's up more ?
now , it's time to talk about the cast and crew of the changing point .
my morning waas spent with the cast and crew of changing point .
there are alot of cast present for today , basically , more than 10 .
haha . and i feel that this production is getting more and more sucessful .
and i hope that it would turn up well in the end .
so everyone's effort would not be wasted .
it's actually the first time i saw junhong again after 2 years .
ahha! he's selected to act in the production too!
haha ! i was soo happy that i could get to work with both of my brothers in the same production again.
and i really gonna thank them for visiting me today .
haha . when this large cast suddenly appeared in the store .
i was soo shocked ! haha!
i have created my "end of year summary 2006"
like wad i had always been doing for the past 2 years .
but however , differently from the past years ,
i have chosen to make the address of my 'end of year summary blog' unknown .
so therefore people , if u found it , u are smart . haha .
but at the same time , do keeps ur lips sealed about the address of the blog .
alrights , shall stop here now ,
i wanna sleep de leiis . haha .
and last but not least ,
thanks for tagging people !

deadmel : haha . sorry for the wrong spelling , anyway , thanks for tagging and all the best in ur new semester.

deadsally : haha! sorry , cuz i might be away from my com , so i didn't reply . thanks for tagging . i do like to eat fast food , but that's in the past =) . though i still eat now , but cash flow too tight haha , so no money to eat .
anyway , take cares !

shiying : haha . thanks for today ! and wad i told u , must be kept as a secret okay ? haha . anyway , all the best to ur o'levels this year , and shall cya soon okaes?

Jiayi : haha . slept alot in school today ? next time at night dun sleep , leave it to sleep in the school next morning . haha! joking , anyway , all the best to all ur upcoming exams . takkiares .

felicia : JIA YOU! believe in urself and u can do it de , u can get into the class de! . and of course la , dun neglect ur studies because of ur CCA okae? do takkiare of urself ! all the best to ur studies !

henry : haha ry seh , read ur blog today . and dun worry , i still remember wad's the real meaning behind h2so4 . ! haha H2 EXOFORCE henry!! LOL.

chenson : SURE! we'll have lunch some other time yea ? anyway , how's the orientation camp? did u go for it ? haha . have a great time in school in THAM! . haha!

Thursday, January 04, 2007
my day at LFI

today's my last day of off day .
so how did i spent it?
i was being introduced to the LFI organisaton today .
i met angie and some other ppl from jteam and
we went to the LFI building at about 4pm.
At LFI , i was being introduced to sean wong and marcus chin.
sean wong told us about his background stories
on how he went bankrupt when he's 26
and how he made a turnover within one year .
i was amazed and of course impressed by his achievements .
we were told by how the LFI organisation works ,
and alot more of things .
everyone there dressed so formal
and i guess i was the most informal dressed there LOL.
wth ?
after the LFI event ,
went for dinner at golden mile with them.
haha . we ate steamboat .
we chatted alot of laughed alot as well .
got to know 2 more malaysians who had just rushed down to singapore .
we really ate alot until the females all stopped eating except for one of angie's friends .
and we , the guys , still kept our hands on the chopstick and continue eating .
haha . when angie called for another round of plate ,
i agreed steadily , and in the end ,
i was the first one among the guys to put my chopsticks down .
at the end of the day ,
we send the 2 malaysians to bugis junction and they took the bus back to KL.
and then , angie and her husband sent me back to boon lay.
alrights , gotta get back to work tml ,
hope everything goes well .
and well , i started missing the feeling of sitting in an non-conditioner classroom
and crapping throughout the day .

henry : aiseh henry seh! i love reading ur blog!! do update more okay ?? haha . ur post is funny about soh hong and stuffs , etc . haha . let's come out for a round of movie some other day okay ?? i wanna watch night of the museum!! haha cuz now i got N73 so i wish for N80 lols .

chenson : aiseh chen sia ! paiseh la , i'll try to solve the lagginess in my blog ASAP . paiseh paiseh . anyway , how's ur life nowdays . do stay in contact hor !! all the best! take care.

felicia : haha . hope u enjoy ur new start of the semester . haha . remember , play hard but do study hard too =) let me wish u all the best in ur studies . JIA YOU!

Jiayi : haha . first day of school always no homework . now leii ? got homework start piling up? haha . no matter wad , must jiayou !! ALL THE BEST!

seany : haha . i'll try my best to get sundy free . u also must take care . dun get too stressed up because of the production . drink more tea , LOL. haha . takkiares .

rina : haha . if u like me mentioning more of u and elvin , i can mention more . haha . no matter wad , all the best to u in ur new semester ! haha takkiares .

Wednesday, January 03, 2007
happy new year

sorry for not updating for such a long time
btw , happy new year guys!
i have got my 4 days leave from bossini and today is the 4th day .
so how did i make use of these 4 days leave ?
well , i did quite alot of things until i dun feel like returning back to work anymore.
firstly , i'm gonna apply for transfer to work at lot 1 shoppers mall ,
hopefully everything goes well , if anything goes wrong , i'll wave my last goodbye to the job .
since now i dun need any cash flow urgently ,
why not i just enjoy my last few months of holiday?
futhermore , i dun think tt i'll enjoy working in centrepoint though .
actualli currentli , i have no aims and goals in life now .
i mean in terms of social life , i can't find anything to fufil anymore .
2006 has been an really colourful year for me ,
i had new experiences and gained alot of lessons in life ,
or i shall said that it's the most enchanting year that i had ever have.
so wad had i done these few days ?
hmm .. filmimng for the changing point ,
hopefully , hope that the filming would warp up in march 2007 .
and also gathering with my old friends ,
maybe someday i'll call them out for lunch one after another?
i do really started missing some of my teachers now.
today is the start of the school ,
and also the last day of my holiday ,
seriously , i had no plans for today at all .
and finally to the taggers , here's a grand reply to u guys ,
sorry for not replying for such a long time .

to chenson and henry , thanks for tagging! haha . anyway , the problem in my blog tt u guys had mention , i think i had already solved it , if the problem still persist , feel free to spam at my blog about it . maybe someday , i' gonna ask both of u out for lunch? do takkiares!!
and most of all , happy new year!

to seany , shiqi , jooyu and shiying (changing point cast) : thanks for all of ur 'zhao gu' during these few months , haha . really enjoy hanging out with u guys and rushing out scripts for the production . rmb we said to bring shiying and the rest of the cast out to enjoy before the school starts ? haha! anyway , all the best to ur new semester and jia you in everything u do!

to felicia and jiayi : haha though i dunno really know u girls in real life , but i could see that both of u are very good friends , haha . that's good , keep it up , dun think ur friendship fade away just like tt . haha done both of ur holidays assignment? jia you for ur new semester and all the best in everything u do! happy belated new year!

to deadmei : haha . sorry for taking such a long time to reply . be assured tat i'll link u soon =) anyway happy new year!

to rina : haha gotta know u just around the ending of this year , can see tt u are quite friendly in terms of letting us to mess with ur car ! haha . anyway , all the best to u and elvin ! LOL and jia you for the brand new semester! XD

first day of school without school
chapter : first day of school without school

just like wad i said in the previous post ,
i totally had no plans for today . haha
so wad did i do? slacked around =X
today is the first day of school ,
upon stepping out the streets ,
i saw lots of primary/secondary students with uniforms .
henry called me after school today and told me alot of happenings in school today.
i could still remember last time during recess ,
henry and i would always share the happenings in our class .
and today , he's the only one sharing .
for instance , i felt very weird without schooling all of the sudden .
i started to miss the feeling sitting down at the parade square with yansoon , chino , chenson , etc ..
and listening to mr chia's craps etc .
haha .
i will not know wad would happened to me 3 months later ,
i might be happily studying in poly
or i might be back to yuanching again with henry .
but through all these things that happened in 2006 ,
i had no choice but to believe in to "give your best shot in everything"
so you would have no regrets .
went to JP with dad in the afternoon ,
suddenly misses the times where me , henry , yansoon and etc .
when we always went to eat ice-kacang .
haha .
everything would come to an end eventually ,
and wad we could do is to cherish them before they went into part of our memories .
as for me , now , i had to move on to another stage of my life ,
i dun wish to stuck at one stage of my life.

Yours Truly

spammers not entertained here.
dumbos since DATE.


[x]Tan Yong Ming
[x]20th September 1990
[x]Yuan Ching Secondary
[x]Diploma in Film , Sound Video
[x]Diploma in Business Management
[x]National Service :( [x]Facebook =)
[x]alrax_tan@hotmail.com (msn)

unconditional desires

To last long with my fat vegetable
To be an actor
To own a car
To make lots of $$$
To be a degree (Honour) holder
To score good results
To be an established personnel
To get my car license

Love of my life

since 28th June 2008 , and still counting :)


Joyce ♥

Jia Yi
Jun Horng
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